
Zhaowen Zhang

发布时间:2021-09-27 浏览量:703
Zhaowen Zhang.jpg
1. Experience:
2010.9~2015.6.  Phd.,  Nankai University, supervisor:    申虹
2015.7~now Post-doctor,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,  supervisor:陈列文
2. Research Interests: Theoretical Nuclear Physics
3. Selected Publications:
[1] symmetry energy of hot nuclei in the relativistic Thomas-Fermi Approximation.
Physical review C,  90, 054302 (2014)
[2] Effects of the symmetry energy on properties of neutron star crustsnear the neutron drip density. Physical review C, 90, 045802 (2014)
[3] Relativistic equation of state at subnuclear densities in the Thomas-Fermi approximation.  Astrophysical Journal,788:185 (10pp), 2014 June 20
[4] Phase transition in hot Λ hypernuclei within the relativisticThomas-Fermi approximation. Physical Review C ,94, 054325 (2016)