研究领域: 实验粒子物理
办公地点: 理科楼5号楼644室
电子邮箱: ke.han@sjtu.edu.cn

2002年北京大学物理学院本科毕业,2009 年获得美国耶鲁大学物理学博士。2009年-2016年先后在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室和耶鲁大学担任博士后、副研究员工作,在此期间长期从事中微子物理实验和地下低本底实验,先后参与了KamLAND,CUORE 以及PROSPECT 等多个中微子实验项目。


同时我还积极参与在意大利的CUORE 双贝塔衰变国际合作项目及其下一代CUPID项目的预研。曾长期担任CUORE合作组物理分析协调员,领导数据分析,仿真和计算等工作。




1.  2002/09 – 2009/08,美国耶鲁大学,物理系,博士, 导师:Jack Sandweiss

2.  1998/09 – 2002/07,北京大学,物理学院,学士


1. 2022-01 – ,上海交通大学,物理与天文学院,长聘副教授 

2. 2016-03 – 2021-12,上海交通大学,物理与天文学院,长聘教轨副教授

3.  2014-10 – 2016-02, 美国耶鲁大学,物理系,副研究员

4.  2009-10 – 2014-09,美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,核科学分部,博士后


1.  国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,U1965201  “用于极低放射性材料筛选的带电粒子谱仪的研制”,2020/01-2023/12,295万元,在研,主持

2.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,11775142 “在PandaX-III实验中寻找Xe-136的无中微子双贝塔衰变 ”,2018/01-2021/12,64万元,在研,结题

3.  国家重点研发计划“大科学装置前沿研究”重点专项课题,2016YFA0400302,用于暗物质探测与中微子性质研究的200 公斤级气体探测器研发,2016/07-2022/06,849.75万元,在研,课题负责人


1.  H. Du, et al., Screener3D: A Gaseous Time Projection Chamber for Ultra-Low Radioactive Material Screening, Nuclear Sciences and Techniques (2021), ArXiv:2107.05897

2.  Ke Han, Experimental Tools I: Radiation Detectors In: Greenspan, E. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, Volume 1, Elsevier, pp. 133–145, (2021)

3.  C. Xie, K. Ni, K. Han, and S. Wang, Enhanced Search Sensitivity to the Double Beta Decay of 136Xe to Excited States with Topological Signatures, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 64, 261011 (2021), ArXiv:2012.04552

4.  T. Li, et al., Signal Identification with Kalman Filter towards Background-Free Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Searches in Gaseous Detectors, J. High Energ. Phys. 2021, 106 (2021), ArXiv:2102.08221

5.  K. Han, Neutrinoless double beta decay: searching for Majorana neutrinos, Wuli (Physics) 50, 361, (2021) [Review article in Chinese]

6.  X. Zhou, et al. (The PandaX-II Collaboration), A Search for Solar Axions and Anomalous Neutrino Magnetic Moment with the Complete PandaX-II Data, Chin. Phys. Lett. 38 011301 (2021), arXiv:2008.06485

7.  J. Galan, et al., Topological background discrimination in the PandaX-III neutrinoless double beta decay experiment, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 47 045108 (2020),arXiv:1903.03979

8.  K. Han et al., Neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe with time projection chambers In: Huanqiao Zhang (Ed.), Neutrinoless double beta decay, Science Press (China), pp. 223-263, (2020) [Book chapter in Chinese].

9.  W. Ma, et al. (The PandaX-II Collaboration), Internal Calibration of the PandaX-II Detector with Radon Gaseous Sources, JINST 15 P12038 (2020), arXiv:2006.09311

10. K. Ni, et al. (The PandaX-II Collaboration), Searching for neutrino-less double beta decay of Xe-136 with PandaX-II liquid xenon detector, Chinese Physics C, 11(43) 113001 (2019), arXiv:1906.11457.

11. H. Lin, et al., Design and Commissioning of a 600 L Time Projection Chamber with Microbulk Micromegas, JINST 13, P06012, (2018), ArXiv:1804.02863

12. X. Chen, et al. (The PandaX-III Collaboration), PandaX-III: Searching for neutrinoless double beta decay with high pressure Xe-136 gas time projection chambers, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 60, 061011 (2017), arXiv:1610.08883

13. K. Alfonso, et al. (The CUORE Collaboration), Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay of 130Te with CUORE-0, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 102502 (2015), arXiv: 1504.02454 [Note: the CUORE Collaboration does not list corresponding authors specifically. I led the entire data analysis process as the physics coordinator and produced the final results of the paper. Work at Yale]

14. J. Ashenfelter, et al. (The PROSPECT Collaboration), Light Collection and Pulse-Shape Discrimination in Elongated Scintillator Cells for the PROSPECT Reactor Antineutrino Experiment, JINST, 10, P11004 (2015), arXiv:1508.06575

15. KamLAND-Zen Collaboration (A. Gando, et al. K. Han), Limit on Neutrinoless beta-beta Decay of 136Xe from the First Phase of KamLAND-Zen and Comparison with the Positive Claim in 76Ge, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 062502 (2013)

16. K. Han, et al. (The LSSS Collaboration), Search for stable Strange Quark Matter in lunar soil, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 092302 (2009)


  • 现代物理与天文专题(粒子与核物理类):核物理(PHY8511) 
  • 大学物理(B类)(1) 
  • 物理学引论(荣誉)I


1.  中国核学会射线束技术分会常务理事

2.  中国核学会核电子学与核探测技术分会常务理事

3.  学术期刊Radiation Detection Technology and Methods (RDTM)青年编委


1. 2022年获得首届上海市核学会“杨福家核科技青年人才奖”  

2. 2020年获得上海交通大学第五届青年教师教学竞赛学院一等奖,学校二等奖

3. 2016年获得中国科学院粒子物理卓越中心“青年拔尖人才”称号