教授 院长助理
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6411-6107
电子邮箱: liangliphy \at sjtu.edu.cn

1999年本科毕业于北京大学物理系,2005年毕业于美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校,获高能物理博士学位。博士生期间在德国电子同步加速器研究所(DESY)进行电子和质子加速器(HERA)实验物理研究,博士毕业论文研究获威斯康辛大学研究生院颁发的Vilas Fellowship。2005年至2012年初在美国费米国家实验室(Fermilab)和加州大学河滨分校(UCR)从事万亿伏特(TeV)能级质子和反质子加速器(Tevatron)的相关物理研究工作。

在国际权威物理期刊杂志上发表论文1000余篇(包括国际合作组论文),总引用率超过10万次(INSPIRE Author Identifier - Liang.Li.1),其中以主要作者或通讯作者在国际主流学术期刊上发表文章50余篇,单篇最高他引次数超过1900次,总他用率超过5000次,在大型国际国内学术会议上多次做特邀报告。在博士后和研究员期间先后担任D0实验组的触发器理事会主席和单顶夸克物理组、顶夸克对物理组以及顶夸克精确测量组的负责人并广泛参与和领导了一系列顶夸克物理领域的实验研究,是多变量大数据分析和机器学习方向的专家并有多年实际运用经验。对2009年单顶夸克的发现有突出贡献。该发现2011年被评为美国费米实验室质子和反质子加速器近30年来标志性物理成就之一(Tevatron's Milestones)。2012年作为首席研究员(PI)入职上海交通大学物理系,共同创建了交大高能粒子对撞机物理实验团队(Collider Physics Group), 带领交大团队作为中方代表加入了缪子g-2国际合作组,任合作组秘书长,执行委员会委员及离线数据分析和模拟数据组共同总协调人,为2021年缪子反常磁矩重大发现文章的主要完成人和作者之一(2021年十大科学突破)。对希格斯和顶夸克伴随产生态("ttH")的发现(2018年度物理学十大进展)和发现四顶夸克(2023年电弱相互作用和统一大会亮点成果)均作出了重要贡献。任Frontier of Physics(《物理学前沿》)编委Adances in Physics子刊副主编。获国家特聘青年专家,上海市“浦江人才”,致远荣誉计划导师,世界顶尖科学家论坛青年科学家,“凯原”十佳教师,上海交通大学优秀博士学位论文导师(Top 1%)等称号





        联系方式:liangliphy \at sjtu.edu.cn


主要从事粒子物理实验、大科学装置及相关前沿交叉科学研究如缪子反常磁矩实验(Muon g-2)、大型强子对撞机(LHC)的ATLAS实验等国际合作实验以及基于中国本土的粒子物理实验(DarkShine、Future Colliders等)。



  1. Combination of searches for Higgs boson pair production in pp collisions at √s =13 TeV with the ATLAS detector”,
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 133 (2024) 101801. e-Print: arXiv:2406.09971 [hep-ex].

  2. Search for non-resonant Higgs boson pair production in final states with leptons, taus, and photons in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, 
       ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Journal of High Energy Physics 08 (2024) 164. e-Print: arXiv: 2405.20040 [hep-ex].

  3. Search for the non-resonant production of Higgs boson pairs via gluon fusion and vector-boson fusion in the bbτ+τ− final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector”,
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 032012, e-Print: arXiv:2404.12660 [hep-ex].

  4. Detailed report on the measurement of the positive muon anomalous magnetic moment to 0.20 ppm”, 
      Muon g-2 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 032009. e-Print: arXiv:2402.15410 [hep-ex].

  5. “Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from single- and double-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV”,
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 843 (2023) 137745. e-Print: arXiv:2211.01216 [hep-ex].

  6. “Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.20 ppm”, 
      Muon g-2 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 161802 (2023). e-Print: arXiv:2308.06230 [hep-ex].

  7. “Observation of four-top-quark production in the multilepton final state with the ATLAS detector”,
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Eur. Phys. J. C 83 (2023) 496, e-Print: arXiv:2303.15061 [hep-ex].

  8. “Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.46 ppm”, 
      Muon g-2 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 141801 (2021). e-Print: arXiv:2104.03281 [hep-ex].

  9. Measurement of the anomalous precession frequency of the muon in the Fermilab Muon g−2 Experiment”, 
      Muon g-2 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. D 103, 072002 (2021). e-Print: arXiv:2104.03247 [hep-ex].

  10. Magnetic-field measurement and analysis for the Muon g−2 Experiment at Fermilab”, 
      Muon g-2 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. A 103, 042208 (2021). e-Print: arXiv:2104.03201 [hep-ex].

  11. Beam dynamics corrections to the Run-1 measurement of the muon anomalous magnetic moment at Fermilab”, 
      Muon g-2 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 044002 (2021). e-Print: arXiv:2104.03240 [hep-ex].

  12. Evidence for tt¯tt¯ production in the multilepton final state in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector”,
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2020) 1085. e-Print: arXiv:2007.14858 [hep-ex].

  13. “Search for Higgs boson pair production in the WWWW decay channel using ATLAS data recorded at √s = 13 TeV”,   
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Journal of High Energy Physics 05 (2019) 124. e-Print: arXiv: 1811.11028 [hep-ex].

  14. “Precision Higgs physics at the CEPC”, 
      CEPC Study Group (L. Li et al.), Chin. Phys. C 43 (2019) 4, 043002. e-Print: arXiv: 1810.09037 [hep-ex].

  15. CEPC Conceptual Design Report: Volume 2 - Physics & Detector, 
      CEPC Study Group (L. Li et al.), IHEP-CEPC-DR-2018-02. e-Print: arXiv: 1811.10545 [hep-ex].

  16. “Observation of Higgs boson production in association with a top quark pair at the LHC with the ATLAS detector”,
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 784 (2018) 173. e-Print: arXiv: 1806.00425 [hep-ex].

  17. “Evidence for the associated production of the Higgs boson and a top quark pair with the ATLAS detector”,
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 072003. e-Print: arXiv: 1712.08891 [hep-ex].

  18. “Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a b pair in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector”,
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 072016. e-Print: arXiv: 1712.08895 [hep-ex].

  19. “The calorimeter system of the new muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab”,
      Muon g-2 Calorimeter Group (L. Li et al.), Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A 824:718-720, 2016.

  20. “Tevatron Combination of Single-Top-Quark Cross Sections and Determination of the Magnitude of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Element Vtb”,
      CDF and DØ Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 115:152003, 2015. e-Print: arXiv:1503.05027 [hep-ex].

  21. “Studies of an array of PbF2 crystals with large-area SiPM readout”,
      A. T. Fienberg, L. Li et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A 783:12-21, 2015. e-Print: arXiv:1412.5525 [hep-ex].

  22. “Muon g-2 Technical Design Report”,
      Muon g-2 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), FERMILAB-FN-0992-E. e-Print: arXiv: 1501.06858 [physics.ins-det][hep-ex].

  23. “Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in the four-lepton channel in pp collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, 
      ATLAS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. D 91:012006, 2015. e-Print: arXiv:1408.5191 [hep-ex].

  24. “Observation of s-channel production of single top quarks at the Tevatron”,
      CDF and DØ Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 112:231803, 2014. e-Print: arXiv:1402.5126 [hep-ex].

  25. “Evidence for s-channel single top quark production in pp collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 726:656-664, 2013, e-Print: arXiv:1307.0731 [hep-ex].

  26. "Evidence for a particle produced in association with weak bosons and decaying to a bottom-antibottom quark pair in Higgs boson searches at the Tevatron," 
      CDF and D0 Collaborations (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 109:071804, 2012. e-Print: arXiv:1207.6436 [hep-ex].

  27. Combination of searches for anomalous top quark couplings with 5.4 fb-1 of ppbar collisions”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 713:165-171, 2012, e-Print: arXiv:1204.2332 [hep-ex].

  28. An Improved determination of the width of the top quark”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. D 85:091104, 2012. e-Print: arXiv:1201.4156 [hep-ex].

  29. “Search for Anomalous Wtb Couplings in Single Top Quark Production in ppbar Collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 708:21, 2012, e-Print: arXiv:1110.4592 [hep-ex].

  30. “Measurements of Single Top Quark Production Cross Sections and |Vtb| in ppbar Collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. D 84:112001, 2011, e-Print: arXiv:1108.3091 [hep-ex].

  31. “Model-independent Measurement of t-channel Single Top Quark Production in ppbar Collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 705:313-319, 2011. e-Print: arXiv:1105.2788 [hep-ex].

  32. “Search for W'àtb Resonances with Left- and Right-handed Couplings to Fermions”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 699:145-150, 2011. e-Print: arXiv:1101.0806 [hep-ex].

  33. “Determination of the Width of the Top Quark”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 106:022001, 2011, e-Print: arXiv:1009.5686 [hep-ex].

  34. “Search for Flavor Changing Neutral Currents via Quark-gluon Couplings in Single Top Quark Production Using 2.3 fb-1 of ppbar Collisions”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 693:81-87, 2010. e-Print: arXiv:1006.3575 [hep-ex].

  35. Measurement of the t-channel Single Top Quark Production Cross Section”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 682:363-369, 2010. e-Print: arXiv:0907.4259 [hep-ex].

  36. Search for Single Top Quarks in the tau + jets Channel Using 4.8 fb-1 of ppbar Collision Data”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Lett. B 690:5-14, 2010. e-Print: arXiv:0912.1066 [hep-ex].

  37. “Observation of Single Top Quark Production”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 103:092001, 2009, e-Print: arXiv:0903.0850 [hep-ex].

  38. Search for Anomalous Top Quark Couplings with the DØ detector”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 102:092002, 2009. e-Print: arXiv:0901.0151 [hep-ex].

  39. Search for Anomalous Wtb Couplings in Single Top Quark Production”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 101:221801, 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0807.1692 [hep-ex].

  40. Search for Charged Higgs Bosons Decaying to Top and Bottom Quarks in ppbar Collisions”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 102:191802, 2009. e-Print: arXiv:0807.0859 [hep-ex].

  41. Evidence for Production of Single Top Quarks”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. D 78:012005, 2008. e-Print: arXiv:0803.0739 [hep-ex].

  42. “Evidence for Production of Single Top Quarks and First Direct Measurement of |Vtb|”, 
      D0 Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Phys. Rev. Lett. 98:181802, 2007, e-Print: hep-ex/0612052.

  43. “Multijet Production in Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA and Determination of alpha_s”, 
      ZEUS Collaboration (L. Li et al.), Eur. Phys. J. C 44:183-193, 2005.









Frontier of Physics(《物理学前沿》): Editor 编委(2021-)


Advances in Physics: Astronomy, Astrophysics and Particle Physics: AE 副主编(2024-)
