研究领域: 粒子物理实验
办公地点: 理科楼5号楼640室
办公电话: 86-21-54741078
电子邮箱: yong.yang@sjtu.edu.cn
  2001 - 2005 中国科技大学 近代物理系 本科
  2005 - 2012 加州理工学院 高能物理系 博士, CMS实验组
  2013 - 2016 苏黎世大学 物理研究所 博士后,CMS实验组
  2016 - 至今 上海交通大学 粒子与核物理研究所 特别研究员,PandaX实验组
 自然科学基金面上项目,PandaX实验自相互作用暗物质的寻找, 2019-2022
 中科院粒子物理前沿卓越创新中心 “青年拔尖人才”  2018
 CMS实验成就奖 2011
1. J. Yang et. al., Readout electronics and data acquisition system of PandaX-4T experiment, Journal of Instrumentation 17 T02004 (2022)
2. C. He et. al., A 500 MS/s waveform digitizer for PandaX dark matter experiments, Journal of Instrumentation 16 T12015 (2021)
3. PandaX-II Collaboration, Constraining self-interacting dark matter with the full dataset of PandaX-II, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 64 (2021) 11, 111062
4. Q. Zheng et. al., An improved design of the readout base board of the photomultiplier tube for future PandaX dark matter experiment, Journal of Instrumentation 15, T12006 (2020)
5. PandaX-II Collaboration, Constraining Dark Matter Models with a Light Mediator at the PandaX-II Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 021304 (2018)
6. PandaX-II Collaboration, Spin-Dependent Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particle-Nucleon Cross Section Limits from First Data of PandaX-II Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 071301 (2017)
7. Q. Wu et. al., Update of the trigger system of the PandaX-II experiment, Journal of Instrumentation 12 T08004 (2017)
8. CMS Collaboration, Search for the production of dark matter in association with top-quark pairs in the single-lepton final state in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV, Journal of High Energy Physics 1506 (2015) 121